Cardiometabolic profile of brazilian children and adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic
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Medicine School, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1175
Background: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the major cause of death in the world and, although predominate in adulthood, exposure to risk factors (RF) begins in childhood. Objective: To evaluate the associations between RF for CVD and overweight in children and adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: Population-based cross-sectional study with 948 students from Ouro Preto city, Minas Gerais, with the application of a sociodemographic and behavioral questionnaire, measurement of anthropometry, blood pressure and serum lipid profile in the year 2021. The association between overweight/obesity and sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral factors was determined by binary logistic regression adjusted for confounding variables, using a significance level of 0.05. Results: The sample consisted of 51.2% boys, 56.6% adolescents, 68.6% black or brown, 86.6% public school students and 54.8% with family income < 2 minimum wages. In the clinical evaluation, 25.3% had a waist circumference > percentile 90th, 23.2% were overweight, 8.5% were obese, 3.3% were hypertensive, 68.9% were hypercholesterolemic and 56.0% were hypertriglyceridemic. Compared to adolescents, children were more likely to have hypercholesterolemia (OR 1.75 [1.31-2.33], p=0.001) and hypertriglyceridemia (OR 1.74 [1.34-2.27], p<0.001). Overweight students are more likely to have a birth weight > 4,000g (OR 2.13 [1.05-4.32], p=0.037), family history of obesity (OR 2.65 [2.00-3.51], p<0.001) and diabetes mellitus (OR 1.83 [1.18-2.84], p=0.007), being hypertensive (OR 8.26 [3.52-19.40], p <0.001) and hypertriglyceridemic (OR 1.89 [1.42-2.53], p<0.001). Discussion: A previous study carried out with students from Ouro Preto detected a lower prevalence of waist circumference > percentile 90th (8.0%), overweight (8.2%), obesity (6.7%), hypertension (2.7%), hypercholesterolemia (36.9%) and hypertriglyceridemia (17.0%). The worsening of the data may be a reflection of social isolation in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Conclusions: Therefore, in this post-pandemic era, it’s essential to invest in strategies that effectively prevent RF in early stages of life.
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