Emerging young health leaders and their roles in tackling global public health challenges
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Young Physicians Leaders, Academy of Science of South Africa, South Africa
Young Physicians Leaders, National Academy of Science and Technology - Philippines
Young Physicians Leaders, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, MASA, Macedonia (Republic of)
Young Physicians Leaders, Mexican Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine, Mexico
Young Physicians Leaders, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal
Young Physicians Leaders, Tanzania Academy of Sciences-TAAS, Tanzania
Young Physicians Leaders, Palestine Academy for Science and Technology, Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1755
Effective leadership emerged as one of the most important aspects of the recent public health crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic. Leadership training programs, such as the Young Physician Leaders (YPL), aim to provide and build important skills for emerging physician leaders in the fields of research, policy and practice. YPL also aims to address the need for global health leadership by fostering engagement with global peers and experienced mentors. Launched through a collaboration of the Interacademy Partnership (IAP) medical panel and the M8 alliance, YPL presents an important way forward in ensuring the relevance of medical and health professional leadership training amid an evolving health landscape. YPL also catalyzes the representation of young scientists in inter/national academies of science. In 2021, the YPL programs marked its 10th year anniversary including more than 200 representatives with diverse backgrounds (in terms of education, specialization and geographic representation). Such diversity is reflected in the YPL alumni steering committee (YPL-ASC) aiming to take forward the YPL mission and disperse its key learnings via increased networking and engagement among alumni cohorts. Global health issues, including the ongoing pandemic, have set the stage for the YPL program concepts and skills to be put to the test, as YPL alumni worldwide assume leadership in biomedical and public health research and practice. The YPL-ASC was recently awarded a grant to conduct profiling of YPL alumni and their shared traits, styles, ambitions, challenges, with an aim to use these insights to broaden the discussion on emerging leadership. In understanding the impact of leadership programs such as the YPL as well as how to better utilise these programs for effective leadership, we propose the above-titled session to address the following questions: What are the common profiles and shared experiences that define emerging health leaders around the world, regardless of their race, gender, region, origin, education and other socio-demographic variables? Is emerging health leadership a dynamic construct? What can we do, to effectively tackle this issue and improve leadership capacities of young public health professionals? This will be addressed through the following activities: Question 1 will be addressed through - A brief overview of the initial results from our IAP supported project, exploring the personality traits, styles, roles, responsibilities and challenges of YPLS and insights drawn. Question 2 will be addressed through - An interactive survey of the workshop participants allowing them to understand their own leadership traits and styles and contrasting this to the findings highlighted in activity a. Question 3 will be addressed through - A panel discussion with distinguished young experts and leaders, offering insights and drawing conclusions on the results, as well as sharing past experiences and lessons learned and a Q&A session to encourage interactions among session attendees, panelists, and YPL-ASC. The panelists will be drawn from the iap membership, ensuring representation that is broader than medical and health sciences.
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