Hand Hygiene (HH) pre and post-SARS-CoV2 pandemic: What are we missing?
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Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM), Spain
Hospital Virgen de la Luz, SESCAM, Cuenca, Spain
Servicio de Salud de Castilla - La Mancha (SESCAM), Spain
Hospital Virgen de la Luz, Spain
Hospital Virgen De La Luz, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A324
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are a public health problem. Many of the HAIs are preventable by following the 5 Moments for HH from WHO. We compared the degree of compliance of HH(DCHH) and the consumption of alcohol-based solutions (ABS) in our hospital in the years 2017-2019 (pre-pandemic) and 2021 (post-pandemic). The observation of DCHH was carried out annually from 2017-2021 according to the WHO methodology; with the exception of 2020 due to the pandemic. ABS consumption is reported by the purchasing department and is an indirect indicator of the DCHH. The variables studied are: Consumption of ABS in liters x 1000/Patient Days per year (LPP); Number of HH actions observed (HAO) x 100/Number of HH opportunities observed per year for each of the 5 moments from WHO. For the analysis we used the program SPSS 24.0, x2 or t-student with [IC95] and p <0.05. In 2017, LPP was 11.9% (925200/77227); overall HAO 31.8%(84 actions/264 opportunities); Indication 1(I1) 28.3%(30/106); Indication 2(I2) 14.7% (5/34) Indication 3(I3) 11.1%(2/18); Indication 4-5(I4-5) 44.3%(47/106). 2018: LPP was 44.2% (3376600/76475), overall HAO 48.2%(370/768); I1 41.9%(136/325); I2 56.4%(22/39); I3 56.9%(45/79); I4-5 51.4%(167/325). 2019: LPP was 12.5%(839487/67153); overall HAO 31.5%(218/692); I1 25.0%(73/292); I2 6.5%(2/31); I3 2.6%(2/77); I4-5 48.3%(141/292). 2021: LPP was 9.5%(669580/70161); overall HAO 38.5%(119/309); I1 27.8%(27/97); I2 18.6%(11/59); I3 39.3%(22/56); I4-5 60.8%(59/97). LPP from 2017-2019 was 23.2%(5141287/220855) vs. 2021’s 9.5%(669580/70161). For the year 2021, the global HAO RR 0.9[0.5-1.2] p =0.8; I1 RR 0.8[0.5-1.2] p =0.3; I2 RR 0.7[0.9-2.2] p=0.2; I3 RR 1.4[0.9-2.2] p=0.1; I4-5 RR 1.5[1.1-2.2] p<0.05. LPP for 2021 was lower (9.5%) than in pre-pandemic years (23.2%). The I4-5 was significant. Healthcare workers appear to perceive the potential risk of cross-transmission only after making contact with the patient, or perhaps their actions are based on self-protection. It is essential to continue training in HH in favor of patient safety.
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