How sharp are your health security arrangements against cross-border health threats? Attend the sharp joint action workshop to find out exactly that
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Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Finland
Serbian Institute of Public Health, Serbia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1013
Strengthening International HeAlth Regulations and Preparedness (SHARP [1]) in the EU Joint Action (JA) was launched in 2019. This is a €10 million, four-year collaborative action of 26 countries and 61 partners that focuses on cross-border health threats. The need for this JA is based on strengthening implementation of Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross-border threats to health and the International Health Regulations (2005). The aims of this JA are in line with the new EU Global Health Strategy[1] [2], which recognises monitoring, early warning, preparedness, and response measures as essential elements to combat serious, cross-border threats to health. Despite a high level of preparedness for health emergencies of biological, chemical, environmental and unknown origin across Europe, gaps do exist across member states and European countries. This JA specifically address four key priorities: * Cross-sectoral capacity building, exchange of knowledge and best practices –focused on the gaps in basic IHR core capacities identified through member state reporting in relation to Article 4 of Decision 1082/2013/EU * Enhancing monitoring and evaluation of actions under Decision 1082/2013/EU in alignment with the WHO IHR monitoring and evaluation framework * Enhancing the health and security interface and preparedness and response to chemical incidents * Laboratory strengthening through a consolidated laboratory practice The project is organised across 6 technical work packages (WP), supported by 4 horizontal WPs: WP Number Work Package Title 1 Coordination 2 Communication and dissemination 3 Evaluation of the action 4 Integration in National Policies and Sustainability 5 IHR core capacity strengthening and assessment 6 Preparedness and Response planning 7 Laboratory preparedness and responsiveness 8 Training and local exercises, exchange of working practices 9 Chemical safety and chemical threats 10 Case management and infection prevention and control preparedness This workshop provides an opportunity for delegates to hear of the key outputs of SHARP JA and how the actions can be implemented in member countries going forward. It will also allow for a deeper exploration of specific actions of SHARP. These include: * IHR core capacity strengthening and assessment * Strengthening the capacity for IHR implementation for serious cross-border health threats through cross-sectoral, basic and advanced training * How project’s progress monitoring by evaluation methodology and procedures can continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of collaborative joint action? * How to utilise communications tools, understanding of health policies and the challenges to dissemination to achieve effective visibility, awareness and impact for the work on multiple stakeholders? * Identifying the sectors that should be involved in public health emergency preparedness, response and recovery * Case management and infection prevention and control preparedness The workshop will share key insights, best practices, encouraging discussion and knowledge exchange with delegates who represents a global, public health professional audience. Delegates can build on this valuable work to facilitate the improvement of their country plans for more harmonised and effective preparedness and response measures and plans. ------------------------- [1] [3] EU Global Health Strategy ( [4] Links:------[1][2][3][4]
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