Significant role of the nurse in management of pain at oncology patients
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Department of Nursing Surgical Care, Faculty of Health Care, Medical University, Pleven, Bulgaria
Department of Social Medicine and Health Management, Medical University, Pleven, Bulgaria
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A70
Introduction: Pain is a significant problem in patients with oncology disease. It is a nursing sensitive indicator, so nurses play a key role in successful pain management. Nurses must learn how to effectively communicate with patients to adequately assess and manage pain. The aim of the study is to investigate patients' and nurses' opinion on the complex role of oncology nurse in assessment of oncology pain to patients with oncology disease. Materials and Methods: The idea about pain assessment examined from a view point of two groups: patients and nurses in oncology departments. Data were collected by direct individual self-administered questionnaire among 67 patients and 49 nurses in the field of oncology pain. Data processing is with Microsoft Office Excel 2016 и SPSS v.25. Results: Proportion of patients with pain is high (69,1%), when moving (34,3%), at rest (10,4%), at night (10,4%), one of 10 patients has constant pain. In this relation, 76,1% respond affirmatively, the nurse responds immediately to their complaints. Therefore, in more than half of patients, expectations are related to physical pain relief (53,7%). Another part deny pain (35,9%). Patients may deny pain due to their perception of pain as a weakness (64,2%), fears that the disease is progressing (47,8%), sleep problems (67,1%) or even the believe that pain is inevitable part of illness or aging (71,7%). On the other hand, significant part of nurses (67,3%) give information on body position for pain relief. More than a half of nurses (61,2%) monitoring the condition of patients with pain, communication about pain medications confirm 42,9% of nurses. Majority, 77,6% of nurses, assess the necessity of actualization of their communication skills for an adequate pain assessment. Conclusions: Improvement of nurse’s knowledge with pain assessment is needed be aware of the barriers that can interfere it.
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