A framework for implementing pilot studies on medical deserts in Cyprus, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, the Republic of Moldova and Romania
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Brinzac Babeș-Bolyai University Babeș-Bolyai University Romania
Babeș-Bolyai University
Babeș-Bolyai University Romania
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1873
The OASES project will implement pilot studies to mitigate medical deserts in Cyprus, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, the Republic of Moldova, and Romania. The objectives of the pilot studies are:- To create a national overview of medical deserts in the seven countries;- To assess and characterize medical desert in the seven countries and the current and future mitigation strategies;- To facilitate consensus regarding mitigation strategies targeting medical deserts among stakeholders in each of the seven countries;- To provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate medical deserts in the seven countries. The pilot studies undertake a consensus-building exercise, the Delphi modified methodology, consisting of several rounds of online disseminated questionnaires and virtual or in-person meeting(s) per country with the relevant stakeholders. Each country identified a series of indicator to measure the medical deserts and will identify the stakeholders relevant to the discussion on medical deserts. The mapping of the stakeholders shall be done using the snowball technique until saturation is reached, with no minimum or a maximum number of stakeholders. The stakeholders should be pooled both from the local/regional level – from the implementation site – and from the national level – to offer a more comprehensive picture and aid the translation of the results from particular to general. The results of the consensus-building exercise will be translated from the level of the identified medical desert at the local or regional level to national policy recommendations. The translation will be done based on the characteristics of the implementation site in terms of demographics of the health workforce, geographic and socio-economic characteristics, and particularities of the area. The pilot studies will make it possible to develop a set of indicators that will be measured, and through the contribution of the identified stakeholders, strategies to mitigate medical deserts can be developed.
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