A joint action task to assess and strengthening of ihr core capacities among ten countries in europe
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Public Health Agency of Sweden Presenter to be confirmed later. Sweden
Public Health Agency of Sweden Sweden
Public Health Agency of Sweden Departement of Microbiology Sweden
National Institute of Public Health Slovenia
State Emergency Medical service of Latvia Latvia
National Institute of Public Health NIH Poland
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1599
Background and Objective:
The objective of the Joint Action task was to Strengthening IHR Core Capacities in 10 focus countries over a 3-year project period.

The task commenced with a strengths and gaps baseline analysis among 10 countries. Data from were derived from IHR core capacities as reported in the WHO-IHR-State Party Annual Reports (SPAR), Joint External Evaluations and a summary of reporting among EU Member States. These were complemented with structured interviews with representatives from each country. Two follow-up interviews and an analysis of subsequent country SPAR reports occurred. The findings from the baseline analysis of preparedness gaps determined four core capacities which merited additional IHR strengthening activities: Biosafety and Biosecurity, Chemicals, Antimicrobial Resistance and Risk Communication. This analysis was presented to the members to finalise the focus of the IHR areas for further work in order to improve public health preparedness. The first of three workshops with the themes took place in January 2020. A second workshop with a focus on only Risk Communication took place after a second interviews. A third and final interview took place to decide the focus for the final workshop which analysed the core capacities strengthened over the joint action.

The core capacities that improved over the joint action included surveillance, biosafety and biosecurity including lab capacity and risk communication. The underlying factors to strengthen these core capacity included additional financing, national political commitment, training and acquirement of additional qualified human resources. By brining together representatives from different countries to share examples of best practice knowledge was transferred and communication channels opened for further collaboration.

The rigorous selection process ensured that the project focused on relevant gaps and through workshops strengthened important core preparedness capacities core capacities forward coincided with responding to the covid-19 pandemic in the 10 countries.
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