Adjusting protocol for outdoor food marketing exposure for piloting in serbian school’s neighborhood developed by working package six of the best remap joint action project
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Institute of Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanovic Batut" Serbia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1202
Background and Aim:
Exposure to food marketing not only increases food consumption but also has a significant impact on food choices in children and adolescents. At the same time, prevalence of overweight and obese individuals in this age group is constantly increasing, reaching epidemic proportions. Restricting the marketing of foods that promote unhealthy dietary habits to children and adolescents is the focus of public health action. The objective is to adjust the methodology for outdoor food marketing exposure in a school neighborhood developed by WP6 of the Best ReMap Joint Action Project for use in Serbia.

A cross-sectional design is proposed to capture outdoor advertisements within a 500 - meter radius around the school perimeter. The proposed items eligible to be registered as food marketing include billboards, posters, bus shelters, advertisements for services and products, and any logo or form of branding that is present, as well as any outdoor promotional material displayed including promotional flyers, branded furniture and/or fencing. Recording is performed using a smart phone camera. It is proposed to record all advertising in order to provide a measure of the proportion of food marketing within all marketing. Two schools are selected for piloting the protocol.

Majority of schools is Serbia have distributive school kitchens. However, schools with less than 100 students according to the national regulation related to school size, are not obliged to have school kitchen. In those schools more than half of the children buy food in the school neighborhood so recording of fast-food outlets in school neighbourhoods is also needed.

Outdoor advertising around schools presents a potential frequent source of childrens exposure to unhealthy foods. Therefore, policy interventions to reduce exposure and regulate the content of outdoor food marketing near schools are needed.
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