Arrangement of influenza pandemic preparation and response Plan (PanFlu) in the reality of ULSS 6 Euganea
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ULSS 6 Euganea Italy
ULSS 6 Euganea
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A422
Background and Objective:
The recent Sars-Cov-2 pandemic has shown the need to provide a plan capable of responding to unpredictable events. On the basis of WHO recommendations, in January 2021 Italy adopted the National Pandemic Preparedness Plan, which was consequently implemented at regional level. Each local health authority has the task of implementing these documents by bringing it down to a local level. The ULSS6 , making the most of the experience gained during Covid-19 pandemic, has organized the PanFlu Plan by identifying the main actions to be taken in preparation to a possible future pandemic.

Preparedness in public health has been assimilated to a process, so continuous improvement techniques could be used in the preparation of the plan. Ulss 6 used the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model, organizing the work in four phases. Processes, objectives and resources were established in the Plan phase, then in the Do phase the identified managers implemented the actions. In the Check phase, feedback and results achieved were analyzed and finally the Act phase makes the document dynamic, leading to continuous improvement.

The PanFlu coordination group prepared the Plan within the established deadlines. The document provides for the organizational declination of 198 actions divided into 13 macro-areas of interest involving territory, hospital facilities, prevention departments and administrative area through the various phases of a pandemic, considering aspects ranging from supplies to continuous training, from personnel recruitment to communication and logistical aspects.

The Panflu Plan arrangement made it possible to define the processes and the related managers for each of the actions identified, making the document an easily applicable tool for all operators. A solid healthcare system that is aware of its internal processes and interconnections, and manages to coordinate them efficiently, will also be able to better deal with any future emergency situations.
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