Community mobilization in preventing non-communicable diseases through pbri model among older adults dwelling in thailand
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Praboromarajchanok Ministry of Public health Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public health, Tiwanon Road, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand. Thailand
Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chonburi Praboromarajchanok Institue, Ministry of Public health 69/1 Sukhumwit Road, Muang District, Chonburi Province, Thailand. Thailand
Praboromarajchanok Institue
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A820
Background and Objective:
NCDs are the leading health threat in Thailand. The prevalence of NCDs in Thailand has been increasing for several years, with about 320,000 deaths due to NCDs each year During 2014–2018, it was accounting for 75% of all Thai mortalities. The top three NCD-related causes of deaths were cancers, cerebrovascular diseases, and ischemic heart disease. The objective of this study were to assess the health status of older adults dwelling in the community and to test the feasibility of using community mobilization through PBRI Model to prevent and control NCDs.

Sample were 2000 older adults living in the Ban-suan Sub-district, Thailand. The health screening was conducted during March 15th – September 30th, 2022. Health data including BMI, blood sugar level, blood pressure, and health behavior related to exercise, diet, emotion, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and obesity were collected using questionnaire. The health care workers in the community were trained to use PBRI Model, which provided the meaningful interpretation to older adults and guideline to control their health risk behaviors based the 7- colors of the balls which represented their health status

The results showed that of 2,000 older adults, 30.80% were in the hypertension patient’s group and 4.25% were at risk of hypertension. Additionally, 15.45% were diabetic patients and 2% were at risk of diabetes. The older adults at risk of hypertension or diabetes were invited to the PBRI model conducted by health care volunteer as a part of community mobilization to promote health of these orders. The older adults who participated in this preventing scheme were able to statistically significant improved their blood sugar and blood pressure at p-value .05.

The PBRI model should be used to advocate older adults and caregiver’s abilities to assess health problems and able to promote healthy behavior.
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