Comparison of conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr) training course versus video-based simulation on nursing students of dow university of health sciences
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Dow University of Health Sciences SUPARCO Road Gulzar-e-Hijri ojha campus Pakistan
Dow University of Health Sciences
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A734
Background and Objectives:
This prospective experimental study recruited 60 nursing undergraduate students and were randomly divided into two groups 30 each; one group received CPR training only and other group received both CPR video and training.
Students were given CPR knowledge questionnaire before the training session which comprises of 20 knowledge based questions.
Instructor demonstrated all the necessary steps needed to perform effective CPR on a mannequin, use of airway adjuncts and step of AED. In second group video component was added, they were shown a CPR training video.
After the session post-test were taken from all the students.
Post-training skill evaluation: All students performed hands-on performance one by one on mannequins.
Knowledge scores in post-test were higher than in pretest. Our findings showed no difference in knowledge scores found between two groups in pretest and post-test [p-value 0.410, p-value 0.705] respectively. Analysis of skills were done by chi-square and findings showed no significant difference in steps; scene safety, check response, call for help, initiation of CPR, breathing, open the airway, steps of AED, post resuscitation care and disposition of pt in both groups [p-value >0.05].
The findings of this study showed that both CPR training methods were effective in improving knowledge. However, more researches are needed to be done to assess the effectiveness of video training only.
Simulation in health profession education in Pakistan: Bridging gaps, building futures
Jabeen Fayyaz
Journal of Shalamar Medical & Dental College - JSHMDC