Data-driven change: assessing health promotion in the hospital/health service setting
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International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, Germany
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A873
Background and Objective: The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH) was initiated by WHO following the WHO Ottawa Charter’s action area to reorient health services, it currently consists of over 600 members from 30 countries. In order to provide practical guidance to members, standards and self-assessment tools were developed. Methods: The 2020 HPH Standards were developed using a combination of literature review, standards mapping exercises, and a two-stage Delphi panel with national and regional HPH network coordinators and individual experts. Common domains, subdomains, and measurable elements across these materials were assessed in terms of clarity, scope and importance and refined following a Delphi consultation. Results: 20 experts including 11 HPH national and regional network coordinators participated in the Delphi process. Assessments of clarity, relevance, and importance and clarity and priority ranged from 5.4 to 6.6 and 4.6 to 6.9, respectively. As a result of the feedback and analysis five overarching standards, 18 substandards and 86 standard statements were identified. A .pdf and excel tool were created that allow organizations to assess and score the level of implementation and make qualitative comments. The excel tool generates graphs and visuals of the data so that those responsible for implementation can easily identify improvement areas. The standards have already been translated into 11 languages. Conclusions: Hospitals and health services who adopt a comprehensive health promotion approach guided by data can transform their organizations into health promoting settings. References: International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. Self-Assessment Tool for implementing the 2020 Standards for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, Version 1.1. Hamburg, Germany: International HPH Network; November 2021.
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