Definition of the staffing standard of the family or community nurse
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National Agency for Regional Health Services Via Piemonte 60, 00187 Rome Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1738
Background and Objective:
The Family or Community Nurse (FCN) is the health professional that ensures nursing assistance in primary care and serves as point of reference for the population. The FCN was recently introduced in the Italian National Health Service. The objective of the present study is to define FCN staffing standards for the territorial healthcare facilities, estimating the minimum number of FCNs that will be involved in Community Health Houses (CHH), Community Hospitals (CH) and Territorial Coordination Centers (TCC) in order to assure the quality of healthcare services.

To define the minimum standard of nursing staff necessary to assure the quality of healthcare services in primary care facilities throughout the Country the following parameters have been considered: services offered, operating hours and catchment area.

The reference standard, according to reform, is 1 FCN every 3,000 inhabitants within the primary care facilities. The FCNs will be distributed as follow: for each CHH (1350 financed by National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP) 7-11 FCNs are planned, ranges 9,450-14,850; for each TCC (600 financed by NRRP) 4-6 FCNs are planned, ranges 2,400-3,600; for each CH (400 financed by NRRP) 7-9 FCNs are planned, ranges 2,800-3,600. The total amount of FCN will range from 14,650 to 22,050.

The number of FCNs, that will be involved in the new territorial facilities, constitutes the standard of nursing staff that each region of the Italian territory will adopt to implement the new primary care reform and assure the quality of care services. Considering the additional number of nurses needed in the near future, our result will help the policymaker to program the training offer.
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