Delivering prevention in an ageing world: the healthy ageing and prevention index
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International Longevity Centre UK United Kingdom
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1795
Introduction and objectives:
People are living longer but not necessarily healthier, resulting in significant health and economic costs. Yet policy makers continue to fail to invest in preventative health, with OECD countries spending on average only 3% of their health budgets on prevention. Our global initiative will: * Hold Governments to account by tracking progress on prevention through the launch of a digital Healthy Ageing and Prevention Index. * Demand action by forming a Global Coalition with leading organisations

* Our Index ranks 118 countries on six dimensions (life, health and work span, income, the environment and happiness). Data is obtained from: United Nations; World Bank; World Health Organisation; International Labour Organisation; and Yale. * Our coalition will elevate the importance of prevention among global actors and respond to key calls to action.

* We’ve ranked countries using 2019 data – the most complete dataset currently available. We are currently developing the online tool. * We have identified the top 100 stakeholders to invite to join the Coalition. Invitations will be sent out before the new year.

With the Decade of Healthy Ageing and the European Union revising its Global Health Strategy, we’re presented with an important opportunity to drive change. We will hold a series of global policy forums to get commitment from senior policymakers and key stakeholders to drive action. Last month, we held a policy debate at the House of Lords on the future of healthy ageing ahead of G20 in India. We aim to launch the Index and Coalition alongside the 76th World Health Assembly.
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