Development of prevention of multidrug resistance organisms transmission management participation model of a tertiary care hospital, bangkok thailand
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Rajavithi hospital 2 PhayaThai Road Khet Ratchathewi Thailand
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A131
Background and Objective:
Transmission of multidrug-resistant organisms in hospitals has a direct impact on patients, health care personnel and the hospital. This study was participatory action research and aimed to development of prevention of multidrug resistance organisms transmission management participation model in a tertiary care hospital and also to evaluate the model effectiveness.

The participation model was used a framework for this study. The model development was composed of three phases. The first phase was concerned with a problem and situation analysis, the second phase of model development and the third phase evaluation model. The model development team consisted of 15 people from the multidisciplinary team and the study sample included 255 people. All data were collected from 51 wards in hospital between November 2021 and September 2022. Data were analyzed using descriptive and content analysis.

The result of the research found that the model prevention of multidrug resistance organisms transmission management participation consisted of 6 elements: 1) providing workshops 2) reviewing of knowledge 3) reminding 4) hand hygiene campaigns 5) supporting protective equipment and medical instruments and 6) evaluation and feedback. More than 92% of the study sample extremely agreed with 6 elements used for prevention of multidrug resistance organisms transmission management.

The results of the research showed the concept of the participation model could be applied to develop a model for prevention of multidrug resistance organisms transmission management participation of a tertiary care hospital.
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