EU4Health Programme and the role of national focal points for 2023 and beyond.
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Ministerio de Sanidad Paseo del Prado, Madrid, Spain
Italian Ministry of Health, Italy
HaDEA - Health and Digital Executive Agency Pl. Charles Rogier, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels Belgium
Austrian National Public Health Institute, Vienna, Austria
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Place Victor Horta, Brussels, Belgium
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1830
The EU4Health programme is the 4th programme of the EU for action in the field of health, established by EU Regulation 2021/522. Adopted in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it represents the most ambitious European Health Programme yet, providing substantial financial support to post-COVID-19 recovery efforts and the resilience of European healthcare systems, as well as to the EU’s preparedness in facing major cross-border health threats such as large-scale communicable disease outbreaks. However, strengthening the compatibility of health systems and policies across the EU must reach beyond acute responses to current and future health crises, which is why the programme is likewise geared toward addressing long-term challenges in public health such as antimicrobial resistance, access to medicinal products, and non-communicable diseases (Regulation (EU) 2021/522, 2021). Since 2014, Member States and associated countries have designated National Focal Points (NFPs) to assist the European Commission in promotion of the EU Health Programmes, and to build capacity among national stakeholders so as to ultimately enhance engagement with the Programmes across all participating countries. With the significant extension of the Health Programme’s content and budget in its fourth programming period, the role of NFPs in national dissemination, consultation, and capacity building has become even more crucial. The Joint Action on Increasing Capacities of National Focal Points (JA NFP4Health,, supported by funding from the third EU Health Programme, aims to strengthen NFPs’ knowledge and foster a consolidated and sustainable NFP network that can support Member States in achieving the health objectives established under EU4Health.

Aim and Key Questions:
The workshop has a TRAINING CHARACTER and aimsTo give an overview of the current EU4Health Programme, recent calls and funding opportunitiesTo show existing and explore potential synergies with other health related funds and programmes,To introduce and discuss the roles of National EU4Health Focal Points and finallyTo learn which topics and features are of interest for future research and training purposes After a state-of play of the EU4Health Programme (e.g., current open calls) by the European Agency in charge, HADEA three interventions from JA NFP4Health Work package leaders will take place. They will give an insight into the role and tasks of a National Focal Point and will seek the input of delegates on their features (e.g., which activities could be expanded, or which seem not necessary). The workshop will be concluded by a FAQ session, where delegates have the excellent opportunity to receive firsthand feedback on their questions regarding the EU4Health Programme and other health related funds and programmes.
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