Epidemiological profile of covid-19 deaths in tunisia, 2020-2022
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National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases Ministry of Health, Tunisia Tunisia 16 Rue Bayrem Tounssi Tunisia
National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases Ministry of Health, Tunisia
Ministry of Health, Tunisia Tunisia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A448
The impact of SARS-CoV-2 on global public health and excess of mortality related to coronavirus disease-2019 were proven worldwide. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological profile of Covid-19 deaths in Tunisia from march 2020 to November 2022, to inform prevention and control policies.

Tunisian Covid-19 deaths register were implemented since March 2020 by National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases, Tunisia from three data sources (Regional Directorate of health, public and private health care centers...). Qualitative variables were described by number and percentages. Crude mortality rate (CMR) per 100,000 inhabitants was calculated as the rate between the number of COVID-19 deaths and the size of population.

Between 18 March 2020 and 13 November 2022, Tunisia has reported 29266 covid-19 deaths (CMR=247.9 per 100,000 inhabitants). The southern region has been the most affected throughout the Covid-19 epidemic (2020-2022) with the highest CMR. The epidemiology of COVID-19 in Tunisia was found to be spatiotemporally diverse. The epidemiological death indicators varied by region and time with periodic large outbreaks. The severity varied over time with 5 outbreaks occurring between September 2020 and November 2022 with the circulation of new variants of concern. The median age of deaths were72 years (0 days (newborn) to 112 years). The sex-ratio M/F=1.4, the number of COVID-19 death was higher among male and adult population. About 7% occurred at home or in way to a health care center and 93% occured in health care centers (10% of these deaths occurred in private centers).

The combination of public health, non-pharmaceutical measures and the high Vaccine coverage were the most important pillars to contain this pandemic and mitigate its severity The implementation of the national immunization program must continue to contain the pandemic.
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