Equally improving human, animal, plant, and environmental health through 'One Health' approaches in the LMICs
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Foundation for Actions and Innovations Towards Health Promotion, India
Dr. B. C. Roy Multi-Speciality Medical Research Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A934
The 17th World Congress on Public Health coincides with a time when the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the complex interconnectedness and interdependence of all living species in a shared environment. The pandemic was a wake-up call for the urgency to pay much more attention to the root causes of global risks and find new ways of mitigating threats, including the spread of new and re-emerging diseases. This is perhaps most important in the context of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Heading into an uncertain future, Public Health policy reforms and enabling actions to address societal impacts (socio-economic, political, environmental), including climate change, emerging and re-emerging infections, and other risks, are essential. The focus is now to integrate human and animal health with environmental health and climate issues into One Health. With the theme being A world in turmoil: Opportunities to Focus on the Publics Health, the Congress provides a timely and unique opportunity for the global health community to work together, dismantling disciplinary and professional silos for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration and capacity building to generate solutions in the Publics Health through the One Health approach. Foundation for Actions and Innovations Towards Health Promotion (FAITH), jointly with One Health for One Planet Education International (1HOPE) and the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur), would like to propose a workshop in the form of a debate on the topic: "Is One Health really about equally improving the health of humans, animals, and the environment?" The debate will be between two teams, one for and one against the motion. Each team member of each side will speak for five minutes, thus allowing 10 minutes for each group. This will be followed by a rebuttal of 5 minutes per team. A 20 minutes Discussion period, "open cross-examination" time will follow, and then a 10-minute wrap-up. The teams will consist of experts in public health, Veterinary health, and social sciences/ Anthropology with geographical representation across world regions with the majority of speakers from low-middle income countries. Gender and age balance with appropriate representation of young professional and female speakers are also ensured. Specific Aims/ Objectives: 1. To raise awareness regarding the difficulties for equally improving human, animal, plant, and environmental health through synergistic and holistic One Health approaches, particularly in the context of the LMICs. 2.To discuss the ethical dilemmas that originate from policies and One Health strategies in zoonotic disease control, antimicrobial resistance, etc., focusing on the LMICs. 3.To suggest possible roadmaps in advocacy and capacity building for moving forward and addressing the problems in implementing One health approaches, particularly in LMICs. Key questions that the workshop will address: 1. Can the One Health approach be applied synergistically and holistically to tackle existing and future health challenges in LMICs? 2. What ethical dilemmas originate from policies and One Health strategies in zoonotic disease control, antimicrobial resistance, etc., in LMICs? 3. How can we move forward and address the problems of One Health in LMICs in an equitable manner?
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