Evaluation of waste reduction promoted by the implementation of digital x-ray in social service of commerce dental clinic between may 2022 and november 2022 and it relation with the united nations sustainable development goals
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Social Service of Commerce Health Management 106, Marquês de Olinda St. apt. 212, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, 22251-040. Brazil
Social Service of Commerce Claudia Coscarelli Social Service of Commerce Health Management 179, Sorocaba St. 103 apt, bl 01, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, zip code 22271-110 Brazil
Social Service of Commerce Health Management 60, João Alfredo St, apt 504, Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Zip code 20511-390 Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A853
Background and objective:
The United Nations has been promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are a call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. The Social Service of Commerce (SESC) has been committed to the SDGs since February 2022. Thus, it has been developing several actions to achieve these goals. The objective of this study is to evaluate the waste reduction promoted by the implementation of digital x-ray in dental clinic.

It evaluated the amount of residual trash no longer produced at the dental clinic of Social Service of Commerce (SESC), Ramos by using the digital dental x-ray in the period comprehended from May 2022 until November 2022, totalizing 139 days of working days. Each component of the intraoral radiographic film was weighed and compared with the weight of the plastic used to protect the sensor of digital x-ray during a radiographic taken. These data allowed us to calculate the difference between the waste produced in each method. Thus, it was possible to determine the reduction of waste in this period and carry out the projection for 3, 6, 9, and 12 years.

A total of 2100 intraoral exams were performed between May 2022 and November 202; a total of 4.304g of waste was produced by conventional RX method and 123,9g with digital radiographic technique. Conclusion there was a significant reduction of waste especially plumb, converging straight to SDGs: good health and well-being; clean water and sanitation; responsible consumption and production; life below water; life on land. In 3, 6, 9 and 12 years a total of 22.104, 44.208, 66.312 and 88.416 grams, respectively, will no longer be produced, representing a 97,13% of waste reduction.
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