Experiences in the application of logic models in the context of workplace health promotion - a focus group study
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Working Group Physical Activity-Related Prevention Research, Institute of Movement Therapy and Movement-oriented Prevention and Rehabilitation, German Sport University Cologne, Germany
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1864
Background and Objective:
Researchers gathering evidence on complex workplace health promotion interventions face various challenges. Applying logic models as a theory of change might support the outcome and process evaluation of such application-oriented interventions. The present study explores the challenges and opportunities of logic models in application-oriented intervention research on workplace health promotion.
A focus group (5 females and 1 male) consisting of scientists and external workplace health promotion consultants who had worked with a logic model, was conducted along a semi-structured interview guide. The recorded qualitative data were transcribed and analysed using the structuring content analysis method.
According to the focus group, logic models provide several opportunities for the planning and evaluation of complex interventions in workplace health promotion. Furthermore, logic models support the communication between science and practice, and also have benefits for the provider of workplace health promotion interventions. However, the focus group identified challenges of the logic model in the working process and the applicability in practice, which was especially related to the evaluation aspects. Finally, the focus group highlighted experience in the application of logic models and certain framework conditions regarding the working environment as prerequisites for working with logic models.
Working with logic models shows great potential to increase the quality regarding evidence development in workplace health promotion interventions. At the science-practice interface, in application-oriented studies, logic models could support the communication between all stakeholders involved to enhance the integrative understanding and the further development of evidence-based workplace health promotion. "
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