Facilitating access to vaccinations for temporarily present foreigners: the experience of asl roma 4
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ASL Roma 4 Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1412
Background e objective:
The Local Health Authority (ASL) Rome 4 is characterized by the presence of the port of Civitavecchia, one of the largest in Italy, as well as centers for refugees and areas with a high concentration of immigrants. During Covid 19 vaccination campaign, there was a strong request for access by foreigners without health care who, for various reason, were on Italian territory and were unable to book on the regional portal. The Vaccination Service has tried to make access as easy as possible and to offer the most complete prevention path possible.

The following actions were carried out: * Dedicate section on the ASL website with all the information * Dedicated email for information and appointments * Connection with port authorities, cruise companies and voluntary associations * Vaccination forms in English * In Hubs: record previous vaccinations done abroad, issue STP code (healthcare assistance to temporarily present foreigner), complete vaccination schedule, offer flu vaccination coadministration, send to vaccination centers for the other vaccinations required by age or health condition * Traveling vaccination campers

Between April 2021 and October 2022, 8277 temporarily present foreigner were taken into care. Only 597 came from European countries. The age most represented was between 20 and 39 years (5758), followed by that between 40 and 59 years (2194), 161 were the under 20s, 158 were between 60 and 79 years and only 6 were over 80 years old. The first 3 doses were equally distributed, mainly linked to the green-pass, while the second booster dose was very little requested. The primary course was completed in 85% of cases. 562 subjects also carried out the other scheduled vaccinations.

To facilitate access to vaccination services for foreigners temporally present, is required an integrated approach as well as the taking over of all the activities related to prevention.
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