Global Mental Health: A Systematic Review of Burnout Syndrome in Latin American and Caribbean Teachers
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Federal University of Bahia, International Relations Master’s Student, Rua Augusto Viana, s/n - Palácio da Reitoria, Canela, Salvador - CEP: 40110-909, Brazil
Federal University of ABC
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1369
First this paper seeks to theoretically discuss in which job world this Syndrome emerged, contextualizing and defining the BS in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) perspective. Secondly, it wants to review the quality of some of the published prevalence articles on BS among LAC teachers and highlight the intersectionalities of the subjects.

A Systematic Review was carried out on BS prevalence articles in Education published between 2016 and 2020 and indexed on the LILACS and SCIELO platforms with the keywords: “teacher burnout” in Portuguese, Spanish and English; Works that did not fit (topic, repeated, samples outside LAC, unavailability, not gone through peer review) were excluded; Out of 416, 46 final articles were selected. Its contents were analyzed with a qualitative analytical approach and tables were used to stratify the data about: sociodemographics, diagnostic instruments, prevalence.

87% asked sex/gender; 80% age; 74% professional experience; 63% type of contract; 50% marital status; 26% had children; 11% income indicators; 2% race/ethnicity. The most frequent diagnostic instrument was the Maslash Burnout Inventory and its variations (30 articles). 32 articles (out of 46) did not fully show the presence and degree of the condition found.

It is important for scientific research to present their disaggregated data, either within the text or through external links, so that it is possible to develop public policies and/or produce deeper analysis based on these works. LAC teachers were not treated in these articles according to their social, political or territorial specificities enough to establish correlations between the multidimensional intersectionalities faced by this professional class and their struggles against mental illness.
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