Health Literacy with the project "Pathways to Longevity" at the Social Service of Commerce - Rio de Janeiro, SESC RIO DE JANEIRO
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Sesc RJ Brazil
Sesc Rio Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A732
Background and Objectives:
The Social Service of Commerce (Sesc) is an institution founded in 1946, which started with health activities only, but over the years it has expanded to many areas such as culture, sports, among others. In the 1970s, the first instrument was developed to systematize health education activities, the “Policy of Education for Health at SESC”. Later, in the 2000s, the Activity Model of “Health Education” was created, a guiding document for educational practices and Health Literacy (HL) at Sesc. HL deals with the ability to access, recognize, process and understand information about health, considering that HL permeates formal instruction and people may not be able to understand health information.

The “Pathways to Longevity” project emerged from the need to meet the demands of the population that is assisted by SESC Rio. Such activities seek to reflect on aging, and over the years with HL practices, we have seen that walking towards longevity must start in childhood. In November 2022, SESC promoted the launch of “Monica’s Gang comic book”, with a large publisher to bring the childrens audience closer to HL. The comic book was developed as a methodological instrument in health actions.

The cartoon was distributed and discussed with 3500 children participating in the activities, through the health themes contained in the comic book. The childrens good receptivity and understanding of the presented content showed how effective this method is for HL activities with this audience.

HL is a new subject in Brazil, and these discussions, actions and studies need to be expanded. With the project and use of the comic book, we realized that we need to improve the HL instruments, so that the relationship between the understanding and the applicability of the HL can be observed.

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