Healthy cities status analysis by a survey for healthy city managers in Korea
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Korea Health Promotion Institute, Korea, Republic Of
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A888
Background and Objective:
In Korea, healthy cities were implemented individually by local governments, but with the recent revision of the National Health Promotion Act, a central management system is being prepared. The purpose of this research is to provide basic data for local government support plan by analyzing current status of healthy city projects in Korea.

The research surveys for 105 cities that joined the healthy cities networks(Korea Healthy Cities Partnership, Alliance for Healthy Cities) in 2022. The contents of the survey are current status of healthy city projects promoted by local governments, such as general status, implementation system, and project status. Main status of the system such as organization, manpower, and budget among cities was compared. Difficulties and suggestions were investigated.

There are differences between healthy cities due to the lack of dedicated departments, manpower, guidelines, lack of budget, and no standards of planning and evaluation. In part of organization, 88.6% of local governments were conducting projects at public health centers, and 11.4% were main office of local governments. In case of implementation system, 80.0% of cities answered that there is no dedicated manpower for the healthy city project. Each local government was promoting the healthy city project by taking advantage of the characteristics of the local government. The representative projects were targeted to people of all ages(72.4%), adults(7.6%), elderly(2.9%). Representative project area was operating health promotion activies(27.0%), spreading the health promotion culture(25.0%), creating a physical environment(27.0%), establishing the foundation of policy(15.5%).

Compared among healthy cities in Korea, needs as managing, supporting and reward for the healthy cities at the central government level were identified. Guideline and education for healthy city managers should be prioritized. Health promotion projects in various fields should be encouraged through active linkage and cooperation with cross-departments.
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