Impact of a benchmarking and feedback intervention on surgical site infections following hip arthroplasty and colon surgery procedures: an interrupted time series analysis
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Department of Public Health and Pediatrics University of Turin “Via Santena 5 bis 10126 Torino” Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1935
Background and Objective:
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are monitored in Piedmont, a Northern Italian region, through a surveillance system based on a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control protocol. A benchmarking and feedback intervention was implemented in 2019: each participating hospital received a yearly report summarizing local data in comparison to the regional benchmark, which was based on cumulative 5-year data, stratified by procedure type. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of the intervention on SSI rates.

We included data collected from 42 hospitals on procedures monitored from 2017 to 2021, classified according to National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) categories. The two most frequently monitored categories were considered: colon surgery (COLO) and hip arthroplasty (HPRO). Procedures were stratified into 2 groups by their Infection Risk Index (IRI, calculated according to NHSN methodology). Monthly SSI ratios were calculated, by pooling data according to procedure month. Segmented regression of an interrupted time series was modeled to assess the intervention’s impact. Significance level was set at p
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