Implementation and evaluation of an interprofessional Tele-Care approach in home care in Germany
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Institute for Collective Health, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
University Hospital Tübingen, Germany
Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A630
Tele-Care is increasingly considered as a cost and time-effective approach to deliver health services in remote or rural areas. Although remote medical consultations have become more common in Germany in recent years, interprofessional approaches including nursing and medical professions as well as patients and caregiving relatives have not been implemented to date. Our aim is to implement and evaluate an interprofessional online home care visit including nursing service and general practitioner, patient and caregiving relative in-home care to increase and ensure patient safety and the quality of care. The project will be conducted in the Southwestern part of Germany. The development and subsequent implementation of the online interprofessional visit will be carried out together with ambulatory nursing service and general practitioners. Current status and anticipated requirement of the partners will be analyzed, visions developed, structures for interprofessional cooperation defined and technical infrastructure created. Data from home care nurses, general practitioners, patients and their relatives will be analyzed during the entire process. Qualitative data will be collected to assess potential obstacles in the implementation process; quantitative data to evaluate medical and nursing-related outcomes, patient-related outcomes and caregiver burden using standardized and validated questionnaires. The results will shed light on interprofessional aspects relevant for successful implementation of online-based visits and interprofessional collaboration in the German primary health care system. The project is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany.
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