Improved self-care practices among people with type-2-diabetes following a low budget health literacy intervention; evidence from a before and after quasi experimental study
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The University of Dodoma Department of Public Health Department of Public Health, The University of Dodoma, P.o.Box 259, Dodoma, Tanzania Tanzania
The University of Dodoma Department of Nursing Management and Education Department of Nursing Management and Education, The University of Dodoma, P.O.Box 259, Dodoma, Tanzania Tanzania
The Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1471
The role of health literacy based interventions have not been well documented in improving self-care practices among patients with type-2-diabetes. This study aimed at exploring the effectiveness of a low budget educational intervention on improving self-care knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Tanzania.

A quasi-experimental study of 165 randomly selected participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus from different clinics in the Tabora region, Tanzania. A structured questionnaire collected data on knowleadge, attitude and self-care practices at baseline and after the intervention. Paired t-test and linear regression were used to test the effect of the intervention on the outcome variables.

The mean age was 55.5±13 years and the majority 55.8%, were women. Only 40% of the participants reported good level of knowledge at baseline compared to 87% after intervention. Participant’s attitude towards self-care was overall negative at baseline (87%) and decreased to 33% after the inetrvention. Overall reported self-care practices increased from 9% to 48% after the intervention. Paired t-test showed significant mean differences before and after the intervention; Knowledge score pre-intervention was (n=165, M=64.00, SD=10.92) and post-intervention was (n=165, M=76.21, SD=8.24), mean difference of (12.21, t (164) =15.60, p
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