Indian experience of tetanus - a study from South India
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AFH India
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A703
Tetanus is an old world disease where 2 centuries ago people had realised the link between wound leading to muscle spasm and fatality, Even today there are many cases fatalities of tetanus being reported from different parts of the country even after viability of a Tetanus toxoid and Immunoglobulin injections . This one of very few recent studies done in India on Tetanus , As there is very less data available on Tetanus so we are trying to share our experience on Tetanus , so it will help the physicians to get a better understanding.

Materials and Methods:
This a retrospective study donecollecting patients detail from 2017- 2019,detailed case sheet review was done and the patients clinical presentation and prognosis was noted in predesigned format. Inclusion criteria – All diagnosed case of tetanus ,Exclusion criteria – patient already received treatment from local hospital,.The patient details were kept confidential during all times

The total of 58 cases -35 males and 23 females, The average duration of hospital stay was 15 days .The most common occupation were farmers (bare foot workers).The site of injury was foot in 65% cases followed by injuries to the fingers or the hand in 30% and 5% cases due to injury while tooth picking with pin, splinter removal using pins. Clinical symptoms - Trismus “Lock jaw”(41), difficulty in walking(2), limb pain/stiffness(17), back muscle ,pain/stiffness(12,) Dysphagia(7) ,72% autonomic dysfunction. Opisthotonus position and Riscus sardonicus developed after 7-8days of infection. 20% cases were vaccinated still developed diseases. 18% mortality was noted most cases were unvaccinated cases .

Tetanus is preventable diseases; If TT vaccination and immunoglobin are administered on time. In all primary health care levels cold chain should maintained for vaccines. The patients should be made sensitized about the consequence of the diseases process.
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