Infectious disease tracker-mysejahtera mobile apps
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Ministry Of Health Malaysia malaysia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A619
Background and objective:
Infectious disease tracker is a feature in MySejahtera mobile health apps that provides real time number of active infectious disease cases location namely dengue fever, human and animal rabies, measles, hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD), and tuberculosis. The locations of reported cases are mapped to display the numbers of active cases around any selected search point. Hence, public will be able to see the number of active cases for each disease reported from their point of search.

Verified reports of each diseases were analyze and geocoded by Malaysian health authority. Mapping of the geocoded data from each infectious diseases are used to enable the tracker function. The number of infectious disease cases shown does not include the name, address, latitude, or longitude or any means of disclosing the patients’ exact coordinates. The duration of active cases are varies from one disease to another while the distance depends on the type of infectious disease. It ranges from a radius of 200 metres for dengue cases and up to a radius of 5 km for hand-foot-and-mouth disease.

This feature is mainly to create awareness among the public regarding the risk of infectious diseases that may exist around their area. High-risk individuals (children, elderly, immunocompromised) can avoid from going into areas with high number of active cases. The community can arrange for cleaning campaign and conveying the information via social circle (e.g: WhatsApp group, Telegram channel, Facebook) especially during gatherings. This approach advocates the shift from a disease-oriented model to a person-centred wellness approach. The health authority and society work together in more effective ways of communicating about the virus, and how public able to keep themselves safe. This initiative indirectly empowering the public with health information towards putting a stop to an outbreak and improves population health.
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