Integral strategy for the strengthening of agrifood practices and knowledge, and income generation for afro-colombian, indigenous and migrant communities in colombia, during the pandemic
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Research Line on Health Systems, Childhood, Gender, Interculturality and Tropical Diseases, Research Group on Public Health, Medical Education and Medical Professionalism, School of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá DC, Colombia Colombia
School of Government, Universidad de los Andes Colombia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A826
Background and objective:
In the world, 820 million people suffer from malnutrition. The COVID-19 pandemic, and its socioeconomic repercussions, have deepened the nutritional status of the most vulnerable population groups. The objective of this study was to propose recommendations for a strategy to strengthen agro-food practices and knowledge and income generation for Afro-Colombian, indigenous and migrant communities in Colombia, 2021.

A quantitative-qualitative methodological study was conducted. Several national databases (2017-2019) were analyzed in order to analyze the food and nutritional situation baseline of Afro-Colombian populations, indigenous populations and migrant population in Colombia. Thrirty two semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to learn about the food and nutritional situation during the COVID-19 pandemic in six municipalities of Colomibia.Quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out with STATA and Nvivo software, respectively.

Statistically significant differences in proportions between the ethnic and non-ethnic populations were found in the following variables: moderate and severe acute malnutrition, less than three meals a day due to lack of money, inadequate drinking water source, and food insecurity. In the qualitative analysis, populations had difficulty in obtaining the food of the basic family food basket given the scarcity and lack of money. For Afro-descendant and indigenous populations, the lack of territory (due to forced displacement or national boundaries) has become a factor that increases food insecurity. Finally, the communities demonstrated the importance of practices such as bartering, food exchange and community cooking pots.

Four recommendations were proposed for guiding a food strategy in the context of humanitarian crises: Permanent adaptation of the humanitarian response for food security to changing circumstances and contexts; Maintenance of conditions that guarantee a balanced diet; Adoption of a differential approach at each stage of the food strategy in humanitarian crises; and Establishment of spaces and means to discuss interests and expectations.
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