Language and functioning by icf and slp group intervention: giving voice to people with parkinson disease, a brazilian experience
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University of Campinas (Unicamp) Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A88
Background and objective:
Parkinson Disease (PD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor impairments and communication difficulties. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF/WHO) allows studying the functioning of people with PD. The aim is to investigate language, functioning in PD and the effects of group speech-language pathology (SLP) intervention on the perception of the people with PD, taking the ICF as a conceptual basis.

Cross-sectional research, approved by the Ethics Committee, with 10 participants with PD, in SLP group at a specialized care center in Brazil. An interview script and a self-administered questionnaire were developed to collect self-perception in the 33 ICF categories, answered by the participants in three group meetings, approximately 35 minutes each, with the researchers, videotaped. Experience in the ICF classified the answers in the same categories. To establish a reference parameter, SLP with experience in the ICF (judges) classified the answers in the same categories.

The participants indicated impairments in Body Functions (voice, articulation, fluency and rhythm of speech, involuntary movements), difficulties in Activities and Participation (speech, conversation, fine use of the hand, walking, dressing, performing household chores, and recreation and leisure) and barriers in Environmental Factors. In 60% of the cases, the agreement between participants and judges was slight, in 30% it was fair, and in one case (10%) was it strong.

The results regarding the functioning of people with PD in their perception assume an original character, giving voice to the people themselves, in addition to bringing important subsidies for person-centered care, expanding the biomedical vision centered on the disease, for a biopsychosocial approach proposed by the ICF/WHO.
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