Long term post-traumatic stress disorders among the earthquake affected people of Sindhupalchwok, Nepal
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Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Soalteemode, Kathmandu, Nepal
Madan Bhandari Academy of Health Sciences
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1691
People who are suffering from PTSD have disturbing feelings and thoughts which is related to their experience even after a long time of such traumatic events happened. This study highlight the characteristics and prevalence of PTSD among the survivors after 4 years of earthquake- 2015, Nepal.

Cross sectional study was carried out using standard PCL-5 PTSD questionnaire. Interview was taken among 376 survivors of earthquake after 4 years of earthquake in Sindhupalchok, Nepal. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to describe data and test association.

The mean age of the respondents was 39.47±16.18 years. Almost 2/5th of the respondents were either buried, injured or physically or mentally disabled during earthquake. Majority of the survivors had loss their loved one while most of them loss their property. Among the respondents who were buried 28.6% had develop PTSD which was 22.2% among physically or mentally disable during earthquake. All 20 indicators of PCL-5 were significantly associated with PTSD. The average score of PTSD was 22.48±13.57 with minimum score 0 to maximum 74 out of 80. The prevalence of PTSD was 71 (21.5%). Female (63.4%) were more prone to PTSD than male (36.6%). Respondents who lost their father (OR: 9.50, 95% CI for OR: 2.125-42.492), mother (OR: 9.027, 95% CI for OR: 2.861-28.487), and family members (OR: 5.068, 95% CI for OR: 2.380-10.790) were 9.501, 9.027, and 5.068 times more likely to develop PTSD respectively as compared to those who didn’t loss known person.

PTSD was prevalent among 21.5% of survivors even after 4 years of earthquake which showed an urgent need to address PTSD among the respondents and necessicity of immediate intervention to prevent and treat such problems in case of future disasters.
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