Male victims of intimate partner violence in Greece during the Covid-19 pandemic: prevalence and risk factors
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LaHeRS Lab, Social Work Department, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1265
Male victimization is neglected both in research and policy. Social stereotypes serve as a barrier in prevention and efficient management of the problem. The current study aimed at exploring the manifestation of violence against male and the factors associated with its occurrence, in a country with the lowest gender equality score among EU member states (based on EIGE index).

Non-random sampling survey was carried out on a sample of 211 men, aged 18 and over, residents of rural and urban areas of one prefecture of Greece. The profile of the male victims of partner abuse, the level of mental resilience, the frequency of victimization and the response strategies were studied.

Most subjects reported experience of psychological and socioeconomic abuse (24.2% physical, 18.0% sexual 74.7% psychological, 58.1% socioeconomic). Resilience had weak to moderate association with victimization. The age, duration of the relationship in years and monthly salary had negative association with the victimization. The higher the educational level and the professional achievement of individuals, the higher the frequency of victimization. Single and divorced individuals were more victimized than married individuals and those in a relationship. Income and educational inequalities between participants and their partners were not correlated with the frequency of victimization. Most subjects chose the strategy of direct confrontation when victimized (35.6%), whereas few chose to report their abuse to the authorities (3.2%).

Psychological and socioeconomic victimization by intimate partners is prevalent among men. Certain socioeconomic characteristics could distinguish males most at risk. Further research is needed to understand and tackle the phenomenon.
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