Mapping of the state-of-the-art and bottlenecks for the adoption of personalised preventive approaches in health systems
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Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Section of Hygiene, University Department of Life Sciences and Public Health, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy Italy
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1502
Personalised medicine, especially in the field of prevention, is one of the priorities on the research agenda of the European Commission, which has funded the project “a PeRsonalised Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare” (PROPHET), a Coordination and Support Action of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed). This project has the objective to support health systems in the implementation of innovative, sustainable, and high-quality personalised strategies for preventing chronic diseases. In the PROPHET context, a scoping review was performed to map the state-of-the-art and bottlenecks for the adoption of these approaches in health systems.

The search, which followed the latest PRISMA-ScR checklist, was conducted until November 2022 on Pubmed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar databases and national and international official repositories. All documents published in the last five years, concerning personalised prevention approaches for common chronic diseases were included.

Of the 8990 results obtained, 18 articles were included. Among these, 30% concerned primary prevention, including genomic screening approaches for cardiovascular or cancer risk prediction; 55.5% were related to secondary prevention, i.e. cancer screening with omic biomarkers; 14.5% focused on tertiary prevention, encompassing pharmacogenomics and nutrigenomics. The main bottlenecks were data analysis and management, high costs of technology, education of healthcare workforce in omics science and public health literacy. However, limited examples of personalised prevention were in place in high developed countries, mainly limited to international-funded research projects.

Personalised prevention has great potential, both for improving the health of population and reducing the burden of chronic diseases on health systems. Several bottlenecks currently limit full implementation, but some approaches, especially including genomics, have been deployed in clinical practice. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that personalised prevention is consistently adopted and becomes a priority on the health agendas of all countries in Europe and beyond.
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