Mental health and citizenship: understanding and fighting prejudice through education
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FDV - Faculdade de Direito de Vitória, Rua Sergipe , 247, 202, CEP: 29101-400, ES- Espírito Santo, Brazil
CRP - Conselho Regional de Psicologia ES, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A698
Background and Objective:
This project aims to promote understanding, social tolerance, and mental health, as provided for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, articulating the fundamental right to mental health with the principles of education, as set out in the Federal Constitution and in Brazilian’s Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDB). It seeks to combat prejudice and misinformation historically observed in relation to therapeutic processes, often considered as “things of unbalanced people”. Such prejudice generates two problems that need to be fought: first, the lack of access to therapies capable of improving the quality of life of individuals; secondly, to ensure respect for those seeking treatment.

Recognition of the complexity of the problem requires an integration of fields of study, a search that goes beyond restricted research in the field of Medicine, Psychology or Law. The methodology is rhetoric, seeking convincing through reasonable discourse, based on ethical and legal principles. The proposal consists in two steps: The first stage is the elaboration of a class plan and expository video, guided by professionals in the fields of psychology, medicine, law and pedagogy. It can be incorporated into the high school curriculum of any school in the national territory, as it is in accordance with the precepts of the Constitution and the Brazilian’s Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB). The second stage is aimed at researching interaction with students, using active methodologies as a basis.

Both a lesson plan and the class were produced, and are available for presentation and integration into schools.

It is concluded that the material produced, according to ethical and legal sources, is effective as a way of producing greater acceptance and understanding necessary for the reality of mental health. Substantive citizenship demands education as a formative element.
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