Paths to a public oral health for indigenous peoples: the use of the performance indicators evaluation matrix
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Fiocruz Pernambuco MSc Student Brazil
Fiocruz Pernambuco PhD Student Brazil
Fiocruz Pernambuco Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A614
The management of indigenous oral health makes use of the indigenous health care information system (siasi in portuguese), among other functions, to monitor the impact of the actions performed by monitoring health indicators. In the context of oral health, although there are performance indicators dedicated to dental practice, these are not specifically dedicated to the context of indigenous oral health. Thus, especially since the coordination of the special secretariat for indigenous health (sesai in portuguese) in 2010, several operational challenges have arisen, among them, the effectiveness of the siasi, with oral health data and indicators that can support the decision-making process of indigenous health planning, allowing the action impact, epidemiological situation and access to oral health services follow-up.

This study presents the construction of an evaluative instrument capable of generating parameters for the production of performance indicators appropriate to the context of indigenous oral health in brazil. The application of the indigenous oral health performance indicators evaluation matrix (ioh-piem) aims to assess the suitability of performance indicators used in the siasi to the context of indigenous oral health in brazil.

The instrument is elaborated by the researchers and validated by a field expert workgroup. The ioh-piem is applied in questionnaire format using the delphi method, which seeks consensus from the participants, in successive rounds, and interspersed with controlled feedback. The participants are indigenous oral health managers, dentists and indigenous healthcare users, selected from the 34 special indigenous health districts (dsei in portuguese).

The answers are compiled and the results identify the criteria and indicators defined by the participants as appropriate to the context of indigenous oral health.
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