Perceptions towards an e-learning approach Public Health students at a South African University
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University of Pretoria, South Africa
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A679
Background and Objective: Technological advancements have been making its way into many aspects of our homes and livelihood. And our educational system is no exception to this technological advancement, since its Introduction into the system in the 1990’s. This is in addition to meeting the demands of globalisation and the need for information accessibility and technological advancements. However, these advancements have shown to be not well received and perceived by students. And therefore, the objective of the current study is to determine the perceptions and experiences of e-learning amongst Postgraduate Public Health students in South Africa in order to optimise learning strategies whilst improving the learning environment for studying to be more enjoyable. This in turn would Results in a two-way benefit, in that more students would uptake e-leaning studies, whilst higher educational institutions would run successful programs. The need for this study was highlighted by several research findings that suggest that there are several perceptions of students towards e-learning that needs investigation. Methods: The sample will consist of two cohorts from the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Heath at a South African University. All students in these cohorts will be provided with a link that provides information on the study, in addition to the Perceptions towards an e-learning approach Questionnaire. Results and Conclusions: Preliminary results indicate that students in general experience e-learning as positive. They are a bit lost in the beginning, but eventually find their way in the learning journey. They struggle with time-management, workload management, balancing work, family and study life. They complain about instructions, and they procrastinate. Since data will still need to be collected, analysis might confirm, deny or add to these findings.
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