Prenatal care for women in drug abuse in the context of primary health care in the brazilian healthcare system
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National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) National School of Public Health Sergio Arouca (ENSP/FIOCRUZ) Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1215
To analyze the actions of primary health care in the brazilian healthcare system regarding the approach on the drug abuse use during pregnancy.⟩t also aims at analyzing the approach of health professionals, the interdisciplinary articulation and the activation of the intersectoral network and the health care network.

The study is an integrative literature review whose sample was chosen based on the combination of descriptors in health sciences (decs): ""prenatal"" and ""substance use disorders"". The search was carried out in the virtual health library (vhl) and scientific electronic library online (scielo). selection criteria: publication year from 2006 to 2021, based on the national primary care policy (pnab) launching year; publications in portuguese, english and spanish. Exclusion criteria: duplicate results and publications that did not address the reality of brazilian services.

This study consisted on the characterization and categorization of fifteen publications on prenatal care and substance use disorders. From the publications selected for research, two categories emerged: perceptions and practices of pregnant and postpartum drug abusers regarding the services provided and analysis of professional practices and services based on information from pregnant and postpartum drug abusers. This analysis showed that the biomedical aspects outweigh the social aspects in prenatal consultations performed by health professionals and that the moralizing actions of drug abuse persist in health services on women.

The logic of fetal care and biomedical actions are still very frequent when it comes to the nursing professional, who is the protagonist in prenatal care. It is observed that there is a lack of intersectoral articulation that encompasses other knowledge and other professionals; a greater approximation to the territory is necessary, as well as a greater and better multiprofessional articulation within the family health strategy (esf) in brazil.
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