Prevalence of alcohol consumption in the population of the municipality of mit㸠2022: cross-sectional study applying the audit test
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Universidad de Los Andes Cra. 1 #18a-12, La Candelaria, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Colombia
Universidad de Los Andes
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A848
Problematic alcohol consumption in indigenous communities has been documented in numerous countries in the Americas. In the department of Vaupés, 81.7% of the population is indigenous and this phenomenon has not been rigorously quantified. The purpose of this article is to measure the prevalence of risky, harmful and dependent alcohol consumption in the urban population of the municipality of Mitú, in the department of Vaupés, Colombia in 2022.

An observational study of cross-sectional design was carried out through the application of the AUDIT survey in the urban population of the municipality of Mitú in the year 2022. Alcohol risk consumption was quantified through the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), whose cut-off point was 8 units. Descriptive analysis of the information was performed in Microsoft Excel and STATA.

A total of 397 people participated, aged between 18 and 95 years with a median of 34 years (RIQ 23 years). Within the population evaluated, the majority were women (50.6%), of indigenous race (89.6%), belonging to the Cubeo, Desano and Tucano ethnic groups. Problematic alcohol consumption was more prevalent in men than in women (PR 2.36, p < 0.01 CI95% 1.39-3. 98), in indigenous vs. non-indigenous (PR 3.55 CI95% 1.34 - 9.44) and in youth (PR 3.44 CI95% 1.57 - 7.56) and adults (PR 3.39 CI95% 1.59 - 7.25) vs. old age.

Discussion and conclusions:
Problematic alcohol consumption requires a multidimensional approach. The Desano, Guanano and Tuyuca ethnic groups showed a higher prevalence of problematic alcohol consumption; this could be related to the cultural context and the role of alcoholic beverages within the communities. Research is needed to investigate individual or collective factors in these populations that may have an impact on problem drinking.
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