Prevention of legionella infections in medical facilities : specific indications to use of point of use filters (pou) in the preventive plans
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Italian Ministry of Health, Liguria Health Port Authority Via Ribotta 5, Roma Italy
Italian Ministry of Health, Liguria Health Port Authority
Italian Ministry of Health, Liguria Health Port Authority via ribotta 5, Roma (Italy) Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A972
This study also contains data of efficacy and performance specifications (field evaluationon a Legionella point-of-use filter that is 0, 2 µm (Pall Q Point®) and is available for faucets and showers. Microbiological challenge tests (bacterial retention of Cytrobacter Koseri) were performed in accordance with the ASTM standard F838-15a in March 2021 at the Hygiene Laboratory of the Department of Translational Research University of Pisa). Further validation tests included: 1. microbiological challenging tests with _Brevundimonas diminuta_, _Legionella pneumophila _sg 1, _Pseudomonas aeruginosa_, _Escherichia coli_, _Mycobacterium gordonae_ and _Cryptosporidium parvum_, and 2. microbiological challenging tests with a combination of _Legionella pneumophila _sg1 and _Aspergillus fumigatus_

The point-of-use filters when they are used in synergy with the others prevention methods can play an important role, cost–benefits ratio positive, to minimize the risk of growth and spread of Legionella and other waterborne pathogens
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