Primary health care vital signs profile for malaysia
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Ministry Of Health Malaysia "Family Health Development Division Ministry of Health 8th Floor, Block E10, Kompleks E Precinct 1, PUTRAJAYA” Malaysia
Ministry Of Health Malaysia
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1009
Background and Objective:
Malaysia collaborated with PHCPI (Primary Health Care Performance Initiative) to develop the Primary Health Care (PHC) Vital Signs Profile (VSP). The VSP is a measurement tool and provides an innovative picture of the primary health care system by assessing finance, capacity, performance and equity. The profile identified strength, weakness, challenges and priority areas for improvement.

VSP was developed by global experts and is based on the PHCPI Conceptual Framework. In Malaysia, this assessment was done in two phases: first phase was to populate finance, performance and equity domains followed by the second phase on capacity using the progression model.

Data was available from multiple sources including the Health Information Management System, Malaysian National Health Accounts and National Health and Morbidity Surveys. The VSP showed that PHC spending was 35% of the current health expenditure. The access index indicates that 98% of the population have access to health care and 84% of the clients received quality PHC service in public health facilities. The equity domain showed no major gap in the under five mortality occurring in the urban and rural areas. PHC capacity was strong in the drug and supplies category as well as the funds management. The strength was also identified in the information system, facility infrastructure and workforce. The PHC system was weak in the empanelment of the population.

Strengthening PHC depends on analysis of existing health data, accepting gaps in the system and the need for further surveys. The VSP has information and evidence on performance of the PHC and provide opportunities for policy makers and stakeholders to develop strategies to enhance the current primary health care system in Malaysia.
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