Public health workforce in indonesia: A dilemma between professional worker and way of life for health worker
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Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A2073
Public health as a joint effort to fulfill the right of citizens to live healthily and live long lives requires the involvement of all parties. However in Indonesia. this situation invites a lot of debate, about whether public health is a way of life that can be carried out by any profession (health), or a specific/specific job, or a profession that should only be done by those who are specially educated and trained in public health. Current Law No. 36/2014 said that public health worker in Indonesia is a specific work but in practice, it brings scattered workers and is no longer integrated as public health with a holistic view and interventions.

This paper aimed to explore public health practices and invited dialogue among countries under WFPHA membership

We will do a systematic literature review and develop a summary of public health workers and practices all over the world Expected Results: Comparison of the main feature of public health among countries to developed contributions of the public health workforce to Indonesia and the rest of the word
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