Qualitative evaluation of the national strategy for obstetric fistulas in mozambique 2012 to 2020
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National Insitute of Health National Insitute of Health Vila de Marracuene, parcela 342 Mozambique
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1137
To explore the perception and knowledge related to FO by community and health providers in Maputo, Zambezia, and Nampula provinces.

The qualitative approach consisted of in-depth interviews with 28 women survivors of FO; 21 health care providers; and 12 Community Leaders. All interviews were annotated, transcribed and analyzed using the content analysis technique.

The problem of FO is associated with early marriages, and deliveries outside the US. Almost all FO survivors live far from US (minimum of 15 KM), people talk little about FO and look at the disease as taboo. There is little awareness, little dissemination, there is a need to improve access routes to peripheral US, as well as increase the quantity and quality of Human Resources (HR) .

Discrimination directly affects women with FO and their full participation in society; Create an FO management committee to improve follow-up and monitoring of survivors; Strengthen psychosocial support, since most survivors feel depressed
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