Realist evaluation of the impact, viability and transferability of an alcohol harm reduction support program based on mental health recovery: the vitae study: First results
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Université de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux France
Université de Bordeaux, France
Sanpsy France
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A47
Methods and Analysis:
The Vitae study adheres to the theory-driven evaluation framework where the realist evaluation method and contribution analysis are used to explore the effects, mechanisms, and influence of context on the outcomes and to develop and adjust an intervention theory. This study is a 12-month, multi-case, longitudinal descriptive pilot study using mixed methods. It is multi-centered, and carried out in 10 addiction centers. The target number of participants was 100 beneficiaries and 23 professionals.

Among the 29 beneficiaries included in 7 addiction treatment or prevention centers in France, 66% were male (n=19) and the average age was 43 years (SD=10,3). A large majority (96%) had alcohol use disorders according to the DSM-5 criteria. At 12 months follow-up, 10 persons (34%) were retained in the IACA! Program. The unique qualitative materials will be used to describe and analyze the viability of such an intervention.

Viability and transferability of complex health interventions is a major public health topic and remains a highly valuable research field. This study, focusing on an innovative intervention for people with alcohol use disorder implemented in different contexts will provide valuable information for the implementation science but also for the HR field.
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