Reception in urgency and emergency services: ethical-political technology in the management of health care networks
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Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Municipal Health Department, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Instituto de Medicina Social Hesio Cordeiro, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A923
Background and Objective: The urgency and emergency services are submitted to heavy pressure due to the great demand and speed inherent to the care of acute conditions, generating criticism due to the difficulty of access and lack of information, where the relationships between users and workers are experienced in a scenario of precariousness of bonds and solidarity. In order to promote transformations in the quality of care, since 2009, the Municipal Health Secretary of Rio de Janeiro has bet on the "Reception" - one of the guidelines of the National Humanization Policy - as an important ethical component for the development of a network that aims to enhance life and human relationships, expressing attitude and action of inclusion towards the construction of mechanisms for access to services, ensuring care and quality of assistance. Methods: This work aims to report and analyze its implementation in the municipal hospitals, using the "analyzing flowchart" tool, the developed access indicators, and the results of the survey with relational technologies, sharing of care practices, and health management. Results and Conclusions: It is considered that the strategies and instruments used contribute significantly to guarantee the continuity of care and to qualify the health care network. Keywords: embracement, production of care, health management, flowchart
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