Research methods for global public health oriented health services research - what can we learn from each other?
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Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany
Center for the Study of State and Society, Argentina
Health Systems Research Center, National Institute of Public Health Mexico, Mexico
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) and IRCCS "Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli" (FPG) in Rome Italy
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome Department of Public Health Italy
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, Canada. Canada
Public Health at the University of Perugia Italy
Kazakh National Medical University, Kasakstan Kazakhstan
Western University Canada
Meio University, Okinawa, Japan Japan
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1891
This workshop is designed as a global and interdisciplinary international dialogue on current and innovative methodological approaches relevant to the field of public health on the basis of focused presentations by the thematic sections of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA-Sections) health service research (EUPHA-HSR), epidemiology (EUPHA-EPI) health technology assessment (EUPHA-HIA), health impact assessment (EUPHA-HTA), economic evaluations (EUPHA-ECO) and public policy and practice (EUPHA-PHPP). The presidents and vice-presidents of the EUPHA Sections will present in the form of a panel an overview of the diversity of each methodology. Each theme will be commented by a college from other regions in particular form non-European regions of the Global South i.e., Latin-America, Japan and Central Asia who will share their views and perspectives on innovations based on case examples from their counties. The line-up of the workshop covers the following topics: 1. Introduction and framing from the perspective of health systems research applied to primary care, Lorena Dini, (EUPHA-HSR), invited panelist Daniel Maceira (Argentina) and Jacqueline Alcalde (Mexico) 2. Methodologies and techniques applied in Public Health Epidemiology and how they contribute to decision-making and evidence-informed policymaking by Stefania Boccia and Angelo Pezzulo, (EUPHA-EPI), invited panelist Saverio Stragnes (Canada) 3. Overview of methods used for the quantification of health impacts, both following a risk assessment approach or an epidemiological approach. (Piedad Martin-Olmedo and Odile Mekel (EUPHA-HIA) invited panelist Jaqueline Alcalde (Mexico) 4. Methodologies and techniques applied in Health Technology Assessment and how their contribute to decision-making and evidence-informed policymaking (Chiara De Waure and Elena Petelos, EUPHA-HTA), invited panelist Lyazzat Koscherbayeba (Kasakstan) _5. Health Systems Performance Assessment (HSPA) and Economic evaluations __(__Lyazzat Koscherbayeba__, __invited panelist __Daniel Maceira (Argentina) and __Shehzad Ali (Canada)_ _6. Evidence-based approach for feasible public health policy for community: case study in Okinawa by Jacqueline Alcalde (Mexico), invited_ _panelist Sumiko Ogawa (Japan)_ Each topic will be covered in 10 minutes starting with a 5 min focused key input from the European Region followed by comments from the invited panelists from another region and option for a dialogue with the audience. Target audience: young and old professionals interested in updating their methods skills discussing and sharing their own experiences on innovation in methods for a stronger public health research. Message 1 A Global Dialogue on research methods in public health is crucial to share knowledge as methods evolve sharing knowledge amongst different regions and across fields is key to contribute to a stronger health systems, better health policy decisions and a better health for all including expanding perspective on fairness and equity. Message 2 That one size does not fit all is true as well for methods in public health and are no better or worse research methods. Research methods are just a tool, that when applied properly support evidence and action for a stronger public health at global scale.
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