Resilience in the covid-19 pandemic: New meanings and evolution
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University of Siena Post Graduate School Of Public Healt, University Of Siena Italy
University Of Siena Gabriele Messina University Of Siena Department Of Molecular Ad Developmental Medicine, University Of Siena Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A1328
Background and Objective:
Since the end of 2019 there were several waves of Covid 19 pandemic. To limit contagion, governments have introduced measures that are able to exacerbate or identify psychopathologies, also because resistance to stressful conditions is helped by socialization and sharing of experiences. The study aimed to analyze the scientific literature produced on the subject of “resilience” during the pandemic, evaluating its evolution and possible new fields of development in psychological disorders.

Articles on MEDLINE were evaluated dividing them into four periods: first one 2019-2021, second one 2021-2022, total literature 2000-2022 and the sum of the first two periods. The following Medical Subjet Headings were used: resilience AND mental healt, resilience AND Covid 19. Inclusion criteria: articles in English, studies on psychological aspects in psychopathologies and eutimia. The exclusion criteria: studies on gender differences, psychopathology with disabling conditions, cancer, infirmity, studies on children and adolescents, studies on elderly people rest home, studies focused on single psychiatric pathologies.

The literature on resilience during the Covid period showed a significant increase. Of the 1011 articles on resilience AND mental health written in 2000-2022, 645 were written in 2019-2022. Only 475 articles were written in the pre-Covid period; 645 in the entire period Covid 2019-2022 of which 561 only in the second period Covid 2021-2022. The same increase were for resilience AND Covid 19, highlights 598 articles written from 2019 to 2022, since before 2019 there were no pandemic, of these 506 articles were written from 2021 to 2022

It highlights the increase of literature on mental health issues during the covid period, mainly on individual resources and the inherent capabilities of response to stress factors. Attention can again be directed to the person not only as an individual but as a social resource
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