Reth㫮k㫮g the ital㫡n healthcare network. community healthcare centers, community hospitals and local operat㫶e centres: From the functional aspects md 77/2022 to the metaproject with the spatial features and performance requirements to be guaranteed
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Design & Health Lab, Politecnico di milano Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A911
COVID-19 highlighted the significant criticalities of the NHS and recently the Italian Government approved the NRRP to relaunch its economy and at the same time promote health, sustainability and digital innovation. Specifically, M6C1 provides for the introduction of Community Healthcare Centers (CHCs), Community Hospitals (CHs) and Local Operatìve Centres (LOCs) with the aim of strengthening the healthcare services. Starting from MD 77/2022, a group coordinated by AGENAS and POLIMI developed the Metaproject for the CHCs, CHs and LOCs with the aim of supporting decision makers in defining the spatial features and the performances to be guaranteed.

For the elaboration of the general strategies of the CHCs, CHs and LOCs starting from the MD 77, the study was divided into: a) a survey in which the current national and international scenario regarding the territorial healthcare; b) a survey in which all the national and regional regulations have been analysed; c) a data analysis in which the inputs from the first two phases for the development of the Metaproject have been processed.

For the definition of the Metaproject, the functional program has been translated in a spatial one accompanied by the functional layouts. The various services have been organized by functional macro-areas and the definition for each of them in a synoptic framework which shows the performance approach and their features. Specifically, the different functions have been classified into homogeneous macro-areas by type of function to be provided with their functional layouts and the list of all the environmental units.

The study conducted aims at supporting the planning of these facilities in relation to the catchment area and their sizing. It will be necessary to define the location by evaluating the possibility of setting them up within existing hospitals
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