School based HIV education affecting girls in selected countries in Sub Saharan Africa
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Thammasat University, Thailand
Publication date: 2023-04-26
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A696
There is a high level of hiv amongst adolescent girls and young women in sub saharan africa and this has affected progress towards achieving the 90-90-90 targets. The current strategies arent sufficient to make the goals; there is a need to revamp at different levels and one of these levels is education. The objectives of this were to review and describe school-based HIV education programmes involving girls. As well as to categorize and synthesize the key features of school-based programs, how they address known barriers to participation and how they incorporate important principles and guidelines.

This paper applied a documentary research design involving an analysis of school-based hiv intervention programs that affect girls in Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe as a representative subset of sub Saharan Africa. An analysis of school-based HIV intervention programs affecting girls. It included data sources such as peer reviewed articles, as well as articles from authoritative sources. The analysis included both qualitative and quantitative data. The documentary review analyzed all evidence from collected data that included the information needed to identify lessons learned, best practices and program performance.

Findings revealed systemic barriers to safe participation. It exhibited the issues pertaining access to quality hiv education. Social norms and moral expectations based on culture and religion remained significant barriers to girls education.

One of the ways to achieve the 90-90-90 targets as well as the sustainable development goals, is through education strategies. The findings in this study revealed the importance and impact school-based HIV education can have in assisting girls. In order for health promotion to be enabled, collaboration is key. There is also a need for a multi-sectoral approach to achieve the set targets and reduce prevalence of HIV/AIDS among agyw.
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