Screening campaign for the elimination of the Hepatitis C virus in the generic risk population born between 1969 and 1989 in an Italian Local Health Authority - preliminary data
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Department of Prevention, ASL Frosinone, Frosinone, Italy
Department of Clinical Pathology, ASL Frosinone, Frosinone, Italy
Medical Management, ASL Frosinone, Frosinone, Italy
Publication date: 2023-04-27
Popul. Med. 2023;5(Supplement):A249
Background and Objective: Chronic infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) represent the main causes of morbidity and mortality related to liver disease. An estimated 3.9 million individuals are chronically infected with HCV in EU/EEA countries. In Lazio it’s estimated about 53000 patients with chronic active HCV infection who have not yet been treated with antiviral therapy. The purpose of this free screening, promoted by the Ministry of Health and launched also in the Lazio Region, is to identify, among the subjects enrolled in our Local Health Authority of Frosinone (ASL), the positivity to HCV antibodies (HCVAb) and reflex testing for HCVRNA by serological testing, for start them the assessment to free specific treatment. Methods: In our Asl, this screening started on 4 Oct 22 and will end on 31 Dec 23. The target population is represented by subjects born between 1969 to 1989. Therefore, circa 140000 subjects in the Province of Frosinone are eligible. The team of the HCV screening coordination provide through an active phone-call and by sending an ordinary mail to invite the eligible subjects to participate at the screening, fixing an appointment for the blood test in one of the centers of our ASL, based on the residence; eligible subjects can still self-booking on “Salute Lazio”. Results: The preliminary data as of 2 Dec ‘22, shows that out of n. 570 exams booked in our ASL: n. 384 subjects tested negative for HCV AB; only n.1 subjects tested positive for HCV Ab and negative for HCV RNA. No positive reflex testing for HCV RNA was currently found. Conclusions: Without an effective hepatitis C vaccine, this screening can detect undiagnosed HCV infections and improve early diagnosis for health care coverage policies and clinical decision making; as well as interrupting the circulation of the virus, preventing new infections.
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